Mexican Hairless Dog

Mexican Hairless Dog

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ORIGIN: Mexico.
UTILIZATION: Standard-Size: Watch-and Guard Dog
Miniature Size: Companion Dog.
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 5 Spitz and primitive Types
Section 6 Primitive Types
Without working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The origin of these dogs goes far back into history. Previously the natives ate their flesh which was highly prized. The breed was regarded as the earthly representative of the god “Xolotl”, from which his name obviously originates. His task was to accompany the souls of the dead to their eternal resting place. The breed is also known by the name “Mexican Hairless Dog”.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: A very attractive dog; his most important characteristic and peculiarity is the complete or almost complete lack of any hair, with a smooth and soft skin.
His body has harmonious proportions, chest is broad, rib cage roomy, limbs and tail long. His build is reminiscent of a Manchester Terrier.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Length of body in proportion to height at withers = 10 to 9, thus slightly longer than height at withers. Bitches may be a little longer than dogs. Dogs with long narrow bodies and short limbs are down graded in their assessment.
BEHAVIOUR / CHARACTER: Calm, quiet dog, cheerful, attentive, alert. Suspicious towards strangers, good watchdog, excellent pet.
According to his “wolf” type, his skull is broad and strong, yet very elegant. It tapers gradually towards the muzzle. The occiput is barely pronounced.
Stop: Only slight, yet clearly defined. In profile, the upper lines of the muzzle and of the skull are almost parallel.
In dogs with dark coats, very dark; in dogs with bronze or golden yellow coat, pink or coffee colour; in particolour dogs unpigmented places may occur.
Muzzle: Seen from side, straight; upper and lower jaws strongly developed.
Lips: Taut.
Cheeks: Barely developed.
Teeth: Incisors close tightly in a scissor bite. Over and undershot bite as well as any other anomaly in position of the jaws is to be categorised as a serious fault. Absence of molars and premolars is not penalized.
Eyes: Of medium size, almond shape. They express alertness and livelyness. Colour of eyes differs according to coat colour and ranges from black, coffee-brown, red-brown and amber to yellow. Colour as dark as possible preferred and both eyes should be the same colour. Colour of eyelids ranges from black to brown or gray. Paler colour or pink patches on lids are permitted but not very desirable.
Ears: Ears are long, large and expressive, very elegant and of fine texture. They are reminiscent of “bat” ears. In alertness, they are always pricked, forming an angle of 50 to 80 degrees to the horizontal with their axis. Dogs with cropped or drop ears will be disqualified.
NECK: Carried high, upperline slightly arched.
Length: Comparatively long.
Shape: Slim, flexible, well muscled and very elegant.
Skin: The skin on the neck is firm, elastic, yet close fitting and without dewlap. Puppies show folds on the neck which disappear with increasing age.
BODY: Strongly built.
Withers: Not very defined.
Back: Straight. The topline appears completely straight. Dogs with hollow back (Lordose) or roach back (Xyphose) or those with long narrow backs and short limbs are undesired.
Loins: Strong and muscular.
Rump: The rump is slightly convex in profile. It is inclined at an angle of about 40 degrees to the horizontal. It is strongly made, muscular and slightly rounded.
Chest: Seen from side, long and deep and reaching to the elbow. Ribs are lightly sprung but never flat. Seen from front, the forechest is adequately broad but the tip of the sternum does not protrude.
Belly: The lower line is elegant; it begins under the chest and follows the muscular, tucked up belly in a rising line.
TAIL: Long, thin and with some bristly hair. Set on low, reaching to the hocks and tapering towards the tip. In movement it is carried high, curved, never curled over the back. In repose it hangs down and ends in a slight hook. Under certain circumstances, the tail is tucked, pressed against the underside of the belly which denotes shyness.
Seen from front, the front legs are straight, vertical, in good proportion and of good length in relation to the body. The shoulders are flat and muscular. The adequate angulation of shoulder-blade – upper arm joints permits free and elegant movement. The strong elbows fit close to the chest wall, never turned outwards.
HINDQUARTERS: Seen from the back, the hindlegs are absolutely straight and parallel with strong, well muscled thighs; never closed behind; the angle of pelvis to upper thigh joint, the stifle and hock, are adequately open to permit free strong movement of the hindquarters. Cowhocks are to be punished severely.
FEET: These are of medium length (hare-foot). The toes, arched and close together, have a little bristly hair. Nails are short and black in animals with dark coats, paler in those with bronze or golden coloured coats. Pads are hard and resistant to any kind of ground. Interdigital membranes well developed. Dewclaws must be removed on all four limbs.
MOVEMENT: In accordance with his angulations, the dog has a long, elegant, springy step; trot is quick and flowing, head and tail carried high.
SKIN: On account of the complete lack of hair, the skin in this breed is of special significance. It is smooth and very sensitive to the touch. It appears warmer as it directly radiates heat, while in coated breeds, the radiation of heat is lost through normal air flow between the hair. Because of this the skin requires more care, as it lacks natural protection against sunshine and the inclemencies of the weather. Scars caused by accidents should not be penalized. The dog perspires through the feet (the pads and interdigital membranes) and therefore hardly ever pants.
The most important peculiarity of this breed is the complete lack of hair on the body (Hairless Dog), yet he produces some short, bristly and dense hair of any colour on the forehead and neck. This hair must never, either in length or in its soft texture, be similar to the crest hair of a Chinese Crested Dog (or Tai-Tai). Coarse hair is often found on the feet and towards the tip of the tail. If there is no hair at these points, it is not a fault. Dogs with long hair will be disqualified.
COLOUR: Whole colour dogs and dark shades are preferred. The colours range from black to blackish gray, slate gray, dark gray, reddish, liver, bronze to golden yellow. Particolours occur, including white patches.
HEIGHT: There are two sizes for dogs as well as bitches.
A. Standard Variety: From 35 to 58 cm. Height up to 60 cm permissible. Larger animals will be disqualified.
B. Miniature Variety: Maximum height at withers 35 cm.

FAULTS: Any departure from the forgeoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
– Head very broad.
– Body very long.
– Nervous or aggressive dog.
– Exaggereted lack of pigment (Albino).
– Hair on parts not mentioned in the standard.
– Skin slack, loose with formation or folds.
– Dewlap.
– Dewclaws.
– Eyes light in colour, round and protruding.
– Short tail.
– Body very long and slim with short legs.
– Dog with coat all over the body.
– Cropped or drop ears.
– Over- or undershot bite.
– Long, soft topknot as with a Chinese Crested Dog.
– Height greater than 60 cm.
– Docked tail.
N.B.: Male animals must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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