Kennel Yardican
Ms. M. Aalto , Virkkalantie 34, FI-08700, Virkkala, Finland (fi)
Welcome to meet our Cardigan Welsh Corgis! Kennel Yardican is located in Finland. We breed quality show dogs with good construction and temperament. We have many excellent stud dogs in all colours, imports and own breeding. Our lines base to Robgwen-lines, but we do have also other lines. 1998 we got World Winner-98 title with BOB to Ch. Yardican Icaros, BOB from Finnish Welsh Corgi Club´s Special Show to Yardican Lledrith and Nordic Winer -98 and BIS from Swedish Welsh Corgi Club´s Special show to Ch. Deavitte Oakleaf. Other our dogs you can meet in our home page, Welcome!