Swiss Yorkshire Terrier Club (SYC) confederate authorized and registered club
§ 1
With the name “Schweizerischer (Swiss) Yorkshire Terrier Club”, shortened called “SYC”, there is a club with location in Killwangen; the club is confessional and politically neutral, the rules of ZGB Art. 60-79 are valid as far as further on there are no other rules made. The field of activity is all of Switzerland. “SYC” can join a national or international canine corporation.
§ 2
– providing and advantage of the healthy pure bred dog (also other breeds).
– Making the healthy Yorkshire Terriers public, the breed shall enjoy great popularity in publicity.
– Keeping up the dialog with canine corporations.
Herewith the club has to obtain to the principals of the European Dog Sport Union with location in Salzburg (EHU), and has to support it.
§ 3
1. The necessary material means are raised by application fees, membership fees, course fees and proceeds/profits from events, likewise by club internal means as well as donations and suchlike.
2. The activity of the club and its authority is not conducted for profit, but the expenses made for the club’s interest are being refunded.
§ 4
The members are grouped in passive, individual, joint and honorary members.
a) individual members devote active,
b) passive members especially contribute to financial safety.
c) joint members in foreign countries take place in the club activities through a special contract,
d) honorary members are being voted by the club for gaining special merits.
Membership fees see §6 Rights and Duties, as well as in the financial by-laws.
§ 5
Natural persons who have finished their 18th year of age, and juristic persons can turn members.
The inclusion of all members is made by signed application form. The club board decides about the acquisition and can deny it without naming reasons. An appeal against that is inadmissible.
Honorary members are being confirmed by the general meeting after nomination by the club board.
§ 6
All members are entitled to demand to the facilities and performances of the club, further on they are engaged to respect the reputation and interests of the club by maintenance of the constitution. The members engage to pay the particular fees.
Passive members are not admitted at the general meeting and have no right to vote. Same counts for individual members who belong at the same time to a dog club being in concurrence, and breeders who – with the permission of the board – are breeding in another corporation, and are therefor only listed as passive members, but still pay the full amount of membership fee.
The general meeting can agree to a exception for foreign breeders, so that these breeders still have a right to vote in the “SYC”.
Only the means of the club are liable for the obligations.
The members have to pay a yearly fee which is higher for individual members than for passive ones.
1. individual (active) membership SFr 65.00
a) couples and partners living in the same household SFr 100.00
b) pensioners SFr 40.00.
2. passive membership SFr 30.00
§ 7
1. with death,
2. with resignation,
3. with lapsing,
4. with exclusion.
Resignation can only happen with registered letter as per December 31st of the year and has to be brought in at least six months earlier. A belated resignation does not dispense from payment of the fee for the following year.
Lapsing can be made by the board in case a member did not comply with the duties around fees.
Generally lapsing of a member is done with a majority of two thirds in the general meeting.
Founding members cannot be excluded!
Reasons for exclusion can be e.g. unfair sportsmanship, activities that rudely violate the club’s interests (but not the visiting / attending shows of other corporations.
In the last resort exclusion can also be arranged by the board without naming any reasons.
§ 8
1. The general meeting,
2. the board
3. controlling authorities (since 1996)
§ 9
1. Within the first four months of the year the members meet for the general meeting.
2. With resolution of the board or of the ordinary general meeting, with written substantiate proposal of at least half of all members, an extraordinary general meeting has to take place within ten weeks.
3. Proposals have to be brought in at the board at least 6 weeks ahead of the general meeting.
4. The invitation has to be notified by the board eight weeks ahead of the meeting date by telling the location, the time and the agenda. The invitation can also be published in a club journal.
5. The chair of the general meeting is the president, if he is hindered then it’s a representative.
6. Obligatory resolutions can only be decided in accordance to agenda.
7. The general meeting is able to decide if a third of the members being allowed to vote are present. If that does not follow the meeting is interrupted for half an hour and afterwards able to decide without caring about the number of present members that are allowed to vote.
8. Resolutions are made with simple majority of votes, if votes are equal the vote of the chairman decides. Resolutions for changing the constitution needs a majority of three thirds.
9. Juristic persons being club members are present with one vote (authorized representative).
10. New board jobs are being voted through the members at the general meeting. The president is being voted by the board, his term of office is six years.
§ 10
The general meeting publishes the yearly report including the club activities such as financial report, public work and the the maintenance of national and international contacts with canine corporations.
§ 11
The board is responsible for leading the club and for its steady business according to the valid laws and constitution, as well as caring for the strict engagement of the resolutions of the general meeting and other binding by-laws, such as engagement of the breeding, showing rules and judging rules. The board names the responsible for breeding matters and other helping authorities. Proposals from individual members for naming them as aspirants for standard and working judges are being checked and forwarded.
The board works on dates for shows and examinations as well as all matters of breeding and competition. The president is allowed – if necessary – to delegate several proposes to the general meeting, especially because the general meeting shall not be occupied with fussy stuff. In urgent matters he is allowed to set decisions which otherwise would be matter of the general meeting or the whole board, but such decisions need the subsequent permission of the responsible authority.
§ 12
The controlling authority consists of one or two accountants, who are being voted by the general meeting out of the individual members. The accountants are not allowed to be members of the board at the same time.
The time of office is four years. A repeat voting is possible. The accountants have the duty to give a yearly written report at the general meeting about their controlling of the financial books.
§ 13
The voluntary closing is fixed by the resolution of an extraordinary general meeting, that has been called in for just this purpose. The resolution needs consensus of all present members.
In case of voluntary closing the last meeting decides about the club means.
Financial by-law
Confirmation (breeding permission) SFr 80.–
In case judge drives to breeder SFr 0.30 per kilometer
Pedigree SFr 25.–
Mating document SFr 1.–
Championship certificate SFr 25.–
Annual fees individual (active) members SFr 65.–
individual: couples SFr 100.–
individual: partners living in the same
household SFr 100.–
individual: pensioners SFr 40.–
annual fees passive members SFr 30.–
contract of purchase SYC SFr 1.–
reminder fee for membership fees SFr 5.–
Constitution SFr 5.–
Litter announcement paper SFr 1.–
Kennel name registration SFr 90.–
Guideline mating fees
Shown studs with championship
With bitches in own kennel: min. SFr 300.–
With bitches in same club: min. SFr 500.–
From foreign clubs: min. SFr 700.–
Shown studs without championship
With bitches in own kennel: min. SFr 100.–
With bitches in same club: min. SFr 100.–
From foreign clubs: min. SFr 300.–