Shooting of dogs in Russia
Alexander V. Vlasoff wrote:
I live in SAINT PETERSBURG, Russia
Write You in the hope on your help. Lawmakers of city take presently new law. This law stipulates: obligatory checkup of owner of dog or buyer of puppy beside psychiatrist and narcologyst – aquisition of license to dog, regardless of sorts
License Cost is approximately 100 dollars, provided that in the country average salary less than 100 dollars. For the majority of owners this too much amount, and they will be compel to banish their own dogs to the street.
Dog, not having licenses, policeman has a right TO SHOOT without warning!
Dog, not having licenses will be not able to take part in the dog-show . On this law all owners of dogs and puppies are obliged to buy this license.
We are in the panic. Town authorities keep silent. Ask to report this terrible news all, who is non indifferent to the fate of dogs of our city, as well as send my letter in the international human rights organizations and organizations on protection bestial. For more detailed information about this horror mail me.
Best regards
Alexander Vlasoff,
former secretary to Russian Association “Airedale Terrier”
owner of two Airedales
St. Petersburg,
Russia, 198152, p/o box 267